The Mindful Moment Challenge is about taking the time to Pause during the day so you can witness the Moments in your day that truly matter.
We are often so busy in our day, in "Doing Mode", that we miss the important moments in our day.  There are so many times when something happens in our day that we are grateful for or just makes us smile.
However, we don't give these moments much thought so they are quickly forgotten.  How often have you come home thinking that you had a terrible day but when you think about it, it was just one bad moment in your day.
There were so many other great moments that were forgotten.


"Over the last few weeks the uncertainty and worry has been overwhelming but I have found this group to be a huge support and has taught me that there’s plenty to be grateful for in life."

Kevin McG.

"Thank you very much for providing me with the wonderful opportunity to be part of this group. I’m doing a lot of work spiritually, physically and mentally over the past year and your course encouraged me to stay focused and reinforced for me my love in getting out into nature and how special little things are to me."

Sandra P.

"Today I’m grateful for this group. Special thanks to Stephen Downey for setting up the group and for his wonderful meditations and leadership skills."

Kristine B.

Each day you will get an email and a Mindful task to help you become more conscious of your moments.  If you are new to Mindfulness, this could be a great introduction to the informal practices of Mindfulness.
Mindfulness is so much more than just Meditating.  It can start with the simple act of practicing gratitude each night and being present for your Moments each day.
I really hope you can join the Challenge and see if you can be Mindful for the next 10 days.

Discover your Moments
that have always
been there.